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A Guide to Redecorating a Yacht

If you have recently invested in a luxury yacht, you might be interested in some interior decoration tips that can help to spruce up the condition of the yacht, making it more comfortable to sail - it can improve its value. Find out more about renovating the interior of your yacht today.

Structural Elements

Redecorating a yacht is not like redecorating a home; it has unique challenges such as shape, structural elements, and square footage. In some cases, the structural elements of the boat will be exposed, making the interior look unsightly or presenting a safety issue to the passengers.

The answer to exposed structural elements isn’t always to cover them up; it is sometimes to transform them into something else. Pillars, for instance, can become elegant decorative pieces below the deck, and pipeworks can also be treated to fit in with the aesthetics of the vessel.

Natural Light

As with conventional interiors, natural light plays a significant role on a yacht; for one thing, the port windows are designed to allow as much floor-to-ceiling light in as possible. You might notice some specially designed windows on your yacht to enhance the natural light in a gloomy space.

It is important that you make the most of natural light below deck because it comes at a premium. One way you can achieve this when you decorate your yacht is to paint the surfaces in a high gloss paint that reflects the light and enhances the natural comfort of a luxury boat.

Odd Shaped Rooms

Yachts are notoriously challenging to redecorate because of their oddly-shaped rooms, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some impressive results. Instead of fitting doors and walls below the deck, it is a good idea to install glass in the living quarters to offer more variation and options.

Glass is probably the best workaround for most oddly-shaped rooms below the deck, but even that is a challenge. Glass requires proper installation that can be tricky to source and expensive to implement. However, the results are fantastic and more than suitable for a luxury vessel.

Wood Panels

Wood panels are an excellent choice for the interior of your luxury yacht. Wood panels are ornate and beautiful; they are a nod to the long tradition of sailing and seafaring. There are two ways to install wood panels, the traditional way or the modern way; both have advantages.

The traditional mode of installing wood panels is to hire a professional carpenter; this method is reliable but expensive. The modern way to use peel n stick wood planks that give you the exact same result for a fraction of the cost. So check out peel-and-stick panels for the boat today.

Square Footage

Of course, square footage is also at a premium on a luxury yacht, so you need to make the most of what you have. When redecorating, you need to install space-saving furniture where possible and use a minimal style. Also, ensure electrical wiring and cables are hidden from view.


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