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How To Get Started With Vinyl Records

In recent years, there has been a resurgence in the popularity of vinyl records. Many people are opting to listen to their music through these records rather than using more modern devices. They cite the vintage feel and the high-quality sound as just two of the advantages of using vinyl records.

If you are keen to start collecting vinyl records, you may be confused as to where you should start. There is a lot of information that beginners need to learn when it comes to these records, including record sizes. This guide will help you to get started with vinyl records.

How To Get Started With Vinyl Records

1. Visit Independent Record Stores

One of the first steps that you need to take is to start buying records. It can be worthwhile thinking about your favorite musicians and bands before you start shopping so that you can find the records that are best suited to your tastes.

Though many online retailers stock vinyl records, independent stores are often the best places to purchase records. These stores tend to carry a unique inventory, meaning that you can access records that you may not be able to find elsewhere.

2. Invest In A Decent Turntable

To play your records, you will need to invest in a turntable. Though these items can be quite expensive, they are becoming increasingly affordable thanks to the popularity of this hobby. Consequently, you can find a high-quality turntable for a cheap price.

Some of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a turntable are sound quality, design, durability, and price. It can be worthwhile checking product reviews to avoid investing in a turntable that is prone to skipping and has a disappointing sound quality.

3. Learn How To Clean Records

It’s important to take good care of your vinyl record collection. This will include regular cleaning. If dust or debris forms on your vinyl records, you may begin to notice surface noise when you attempt to play it.

You can easily get rid of dust by using a microfiber cloth or brush. You can also lightly wash the surface of the record with a slightly damp cloth. To make things easiest, you may wish to invest in a cleaning kit that is specifically designed for records.

Alongside the records, you should learn to maintain your turntable. This will include keeping it clean and replacing the needle when necessary. The stylus, also known as the needle, and the cartridge will become worn over time, especially if you regularly use the turntable.

4. Find Sensational Speakers

Speakers are an essential addition to your record player or turntable. You will be able to blast your favorite records at high volumes, which is ideal for parties.

The best speakers for you will depend on your budget and the size of your living space. Large and expensive speakers will not be necessary if you only play your records in a small apartment.

Alternatively, you can use headphones if you don’t want to disturb other people.

5. Make Use Of Record Store Day

If you want to buy records for a bargain price, you should take advantage of Record Store Day. This is an annual event that is intended to encourage record enthusiasts to visit independent stores. Launched in 2007, this day typically occurs in April.

During this annual event, you may be lucky enough to get your hands on special releases or rare records. Some stores may even sell records for a discounted price.

It’s worth checking whether any of your local record stores are holding any special events for this occasion. This is because not all record stores will participate in this celebration. This event is popular among vinyl record collectors, so you should expect stores to be busy.

6. Organize Your Collection

Once you have curated a collection of records from your favorite artists, you should consider organizing them. Having a well-organized collection will make it much easier to locate specific records. Not to mention, you can display them in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Some of the most popular ways of storing these vinyl records include wall mounts and metal record holders. However, if you prefer something a little more durable, record storage boxes are advised.

If you love to keep things organized, you will likely want to keep these records in a specific order. For instance, you may want to alphabetize them according to the artist.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl record collecting is a fantastically fun hobby, especially if you have a passion for music. By following these six sensational tips, you can develop an impressive collection of vinyl records.

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