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Redefining Automobile Aesthetics

The aesthetic aspirations of any societal age are entwined with the history of cars. Iconic models and designs exist in a unique correlation of the vent diagram of car history: They combine performance, elegance, and convenience. Knowledgeable car collectors rejoice in the skillful balance of beauty and technology that characterizes the legendary cars of all times. Perhaps that's why a book such as the Ultimate Collector Cars by Taschen has found a home on the shelves of motor enthusiasts. The vehicles included in the book hold a unique place in the heart of car lovers through their pioneering designs, breathtaking performance at famous races, and exceptional style. From the Jaguar D-Type to the Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B MM, the beauty of these motoring icons is not to be proven anymore. It is known, celebrated, cherished, and desired by many. Yet, the intense correlation between luxury performance and luxury looks asks a delicate question. What is the epitome of automotive beauty in 2021? At an age where the motoring legends associated with Juan Manual Fangio, Stirling Moss, and Sir Henry "Tim" Birkin are collectible vehicles, what does the new age of motoring beauty look and feel like?

The ultimate finish: Wheels set the character

The devil is in the detail, as the saying goes. Car aesthetics focuses as much on the big picture as on the finishing details. Wheels, one of the most hard-working external components of the vehicle, play a unique role in the overall impression and visual enjoyment. Their features and functions can dramatically affect the condition and performance of any vehicle, impact maneuverability, stability, and speed. However, the appearance of the wheel could make or break the automobile's visual continuity. These days, car wheels are typically made of aluminum, magnesium, steel, or a combination, allowing for different levels of strength, durability, and design details. More often than not, car enthusiasts purchasing classic models will consider upgrading the tires and wheels to bring the style and performance together. Partners such as have become go-to experts to discuss some of the most difficult-to-source wheel finishes.

The steering wheel: Joy for the driver

Beautiful vehicles also share an essential trait that remains relevant even today. They are fun to drive, engaging the driver's sensory experience as much as their driving skills. While often overlooked in modern vehicles, the sensory element refers to the experience behind the steering wheel. The car interior presents a unique opportunity for the manufacturer to shine, showing that taste and elegance exist inside the car. From smooth colored-leather dashboard cover to unique seat patterns, the interior beauty is expected to match the exciting exterior visuals. Therefore, the steering wheel serves as much as a performance navigator as an object of beauty. Vehicles, such as the legendary Lamborghini Sesto Elemento with its bright red leather rim and the Caterham Seven SuperSprint vintage-inspired thin wooden steering wheel, prove they understand the importance of a beautiful interior decor which marries pleasant aesthetics with functional performance.

Roundness for trust

The modern eye is attracted to round corners and designs. Boxy vehicles are past the mode, making room for soft and gentle roundness. Round corners are an integral part of the human experience. We are trained to prefer round over sharp corners for safety and comfort reasons from a young age. Faced with a choice between a fork and a ball, young children will prefer the ball, which is easier on the eye. The neurological paths individuals build throughout their lives connect sharp corners with a threat. Therefore, the modern aspiration of automotive beauty forcibly includes roundness as part of its design. From a performance perspective, motoring engineers argue the point that rounded flat designs present fewer aerodynamic obstacles. They also offer additional safety for other road users. Unlike boxy designs that can reduce visibility for drivers behind your vehicles, the aspiration for a soft line in modern designs enables the eye to see above and around the car. Intuitively, the modern driver recognizes beauty in a convenient design embedded in human psychology from early childhood.

Timeless hues for plain elegance

While more accessible vehicles choose a playful palette of colors, the luxury car market chooses timeless colors, as per, that will outlive seasonal trends. Fog, diamond, or artic are some of the most popular hues that the knowledgeable car enthusiast will associate with beauty. Traditional shades provide a unique sense of elegance that lasts through time. Just as successful luxury fashion prefers simple designs such as the iconic cream and black designers' suits, car beauty also lives in a world of simplicity. Less is always more.

Car beauty in the 21st century redefines performance in terms of safety, excitement, and practicality. The focus on speed and engineering power is not going away. Yet, today's beautiful cars elevate details of the design and interior to produce an all-encompassing dream vehicle that pleases the eye, the driver, and other road users.


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