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Tips For Redecorating Your Rental For Your Unique Situation

Just because you are renting an apartment or a house, it doesn’t mean that you can’t personalize it and make it a home. Whether you plan to use the space for entertaining, relaxing, parenting your children, or working remotely, you will likely need to make some adjustments. Here at Elevated Magazine, we are all about being comfortable, stylish, and happy, so we have some tips on how to modify your rental to fit your specific needs.

A Space for Kids

Whether you are homeschooling your children or you just want to create a comfortable space where they can play and relax, you will likely need to do some redecorating. In the case that you are teaching your kids from home, you will want to make a space where they can learn. The first thing you should do is remove any unnecessary clutter. Not only will having a clear space prevent harmful obstacles, but you will also create a more stress-free atmosphere.

If your rental has small bedrooms for the kiddos, you can still use your creative touch to decorate the space. First, measure the area so you can determine what room you have for the bed and dressers. To make the room appear larger, paint it a light color. White is typically the best way to go. If necessary, keep changing the layout until you are satisfied.

When You Work from Home

These days, many people are working from home and if you work or run a business from your rental, you will want to arrange at least one room to accommodate a home office. If you have a smaller apartment, remember that you don’t necessarily need to reserve an entire room for your work. Instead, you can set up in a hallway, in the entryway, or even in the space under the stairs. Just make sure that you have a suitable desk so you can work in comfort.

The hard part of having a home office is that you may sometimes have to deal with multiple distractions, including your family, household errands, and that big-screen television. You can stay on task by writing down your goals for the day and when you hope to complete them. Don’t turn on the TV or surf your social media until you have reached that goal. Just remember that it is okay and even encouraged to take small breaks during the workday.


If you are one of those folks who loves to entertain friends during nights and weekends, then you will want to consider that when you decorate your rental. As a start, make sure that you have plenty of seating options so everyone has a place to rest. A comfy sofa is a good place for multiple friends, and if you are super popular, then you may want to buy extra folding chairs that are easy to store and they can be taken out at a moment’s notice.

You’ll want to have plenty of entertainment options in the house as well so consider purchasing a large TV so you can watch the game on weekends. If you love karaoke and listening to music, you may want to install a home theater or stereo system and put speakers throughout the apartment so you can play your tunes at any time. Then, of course, you need to add the karaoke machine itself. These machines have changed radically over time, so get one with all the bells and whistles.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can set up and decorate your rental for just about any scenario. Try the tips above and make the space your own. If you need more tips on style or real estate, then check out our website at


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