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Uncruise - Stay Inspired with Small Ship Adventures

Wondering how to get more adventure this summer? Two summers ago, we all did the “stay-cation” thing and stayed home. Last summer, we ventured out close to home for day trips or driving vacations. This year? It’s time for an adventure!

It’s time to move. Use muscles you haven’t in forever. Paddle a kayak. Hike through streams and up through forests. Wriggle into a wetsuit and snorkel – in Alaska! Test your balance on a stand-up paddle board. Learn the Viking Handshake, embark into a rubber skiff, and zip along the coast in search of wildlife. Not fast enough? How about river rafting on the Deschutes in Oregon?

It’s time to explore. Duck branches and scramble over trees and boulders in the temperate rainforests of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Crane your neck to look high in the trees for the nests of eagles. Search tide pools for sea stars, crabs, and other treasures. Turn over rocks – but be sure to put them back where you found them! On a small ship, you will go places big ships can’t reach – and the places you could never reach from land.

It’s time to dare. Leap from the boat for your first polar plunge – in Glacier Bay National Park! If you’re gonna do it, really do it! Never kayaked a day in your life? We’ll teach you! Not too sure about bushwhacking off-trail? We’ll go together and do the things you aren’t sure you can. It’s time to do the things you said you would do “someday”.

It’s time for whales. Summer is the heart of the season for humpback whales. After going all winter with no food in Hawaii (yes, really, they fast that whole time because the climate is best for the new calves!), humpbacks put on a display in Alaska. And you will watch them from close enough to smell their breath! No standing 14 decks above the action. In a kayak, or a skiff, or the bow of a small ship, you will have whale experiences like nowhere else. When the humpbacks are breaching or bubble net feeding, or the orca are on the hunt, we won’t let you miss out! On an UnCruise small ship adventure, the itinerary is flexible, so when this happens, we stay to watch.

It’s time to experiment. Have you ever really played with the settings on your camera? Photo opportunities are everywhere, every day, in Alaska this summer. Your guides and your fellow adventurers are happy to give you some pointers if you like. Motion shots of eagles on the wing. Close ups of meadow flowers. Zoom shots of mama and baby bears or mountain sheep on the cliffs. And of course, selfies and portraits of your travel partners wearing glacial mud masks, twigs and moss after a bushwhack, or in front of cascading waterfalls you could never have reached from land.

It’s time for a vacation that rejuvenates. Now is the time for adventures you will talk about all year long. Summer in Alaska is the perfect adventure vacation and Fall on the Columbia, and Snake Rivers is simply delicious. Small ship cruising with is the perfect way to do it. The time is now.


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