Your Best Defense - Hiring a Speeding Ticket Lawyer
An offense such as speeding in New York can significantly raise insurance premiums, compromising your ability to drive for Lyft or Uber services, and creating penalties which may cost thousands. Hiring a traffic ticket lawyer may be your best way out - hiring one could potentially prevent costly penalties from accruing!
Traffic attorneys may be able to get speeding tickets dismissed or reduced to non-speeding violations that will not negatively impact your driving record.
1. Reduce or Dismiss the Charge
An effective defense may result in the dismissal or reduction of your ticket and fine. An attorney who knows local traffic law will know which strategies will work best based on your individual circumstances.
A common defense employed by people fighting speeding tickets іn Ontario іs claiming that their vehicle's speedometer was inaccurate. Unfortunately, this argument may not always hold water; if you had known of its inaccuracy prior to being arrested and had it fixed prior to being pulled over; otherwise the difference should not have been significant enough to result in an overage fine for you.
An effective strategy for combatting speeding tickets is gathering evidence that undermines the officer's account of events. Eyewitness statements from passengers in your car or photos of road conditions could help disprove his version. Furthermore, an experienced lawyer could collect GPS data that proves you were not exceeding the speed limit at the time of alleged violation.
Traffic attorneys may also help negotiate plea bargains with the prosecutor that will result in you pleading guilty to lesser offenses with reduced fines and points on your record; sometimes this approach has even allowed judges to dismiss tickets altogether!
2. Represent You in Court
Once issued a traffic ticket, you have several options to consider when trying to deal with it: paying fine and avoid penalties; contesting ticket in court or attending traffic school to mitigate penalties. A lawyer can assist in choosing which route best fits your situation as well as representing you in court proceedings.
An experienced lawyer can use legal precedents and research to build your case. They'll look at evidence such as radar or laser readings, officer notes and training records; visit the location where you were pulled over in order to identify mitigating factors such as blocked speed limit signs or weather conditions; question police officers on your behalf before presenting evidence on behalf of their clients in order to help avoid unnecessary penalties.
Sometimes a lawyer can have your charge reduced to a non-moving violation, which does not impact your driving record or insurance premiums. The severity of an incident and any aggravating factors--like whether property damage or injuries occurred--can have an impactful influence on how a judge classifies a speeding violation.
An experienced traffic attorney can also help you navigate the court system efficiently without missing work, taking time off school, or traveling too far from home. Most traffic courts allow attorneys to represent defendants in court instead of being required to appear personally - meaning you won't have to appear and focus on living your daily life while receiving regular updates via phone calls, emails or face-to-face meetings from their lawyer about what's happening with your case.
3. Represent You at the DMV
As soon as a driver receives a traffic ticket, they have various options for responding. This may include paying the fine or contesting it in court before attending traffic school to reduce penalties. Most jurisdictions provide for less severe offenses to be heard in traffic court while more serious offenses that cause harm or injuries are handled through criminal courts.
An experienced traffic attorney can review the evidence surrounding your case and challenge an officer's probable cause to stop you vehicle. They can also work towards downgrading a speeding ticket to non-moving violation status in order to keep points off your record.
New York City drivers who commit traffic offenses can incur numerous points on their driving records for infractions that lead to license suspension, costly fees or increases in premiums - these consequences could even be avoided with help from a skilled traffic attorney who could fight to have the citation dismissed and prevent these consequences from taking place.
If you pay the fine and accept conviction, this constitutes a plea of guilty; however, an experienced traffic attorney can help reduce penalties associated with this option by fighting against accusations and keeping points off your record.
4. Negotiate a Plea Deal
Plea bargains allow drivers to admit guilt to certain charges while dismissing others. Our law firm is skilled at negotiating plea bargains with prosecutors to avoid license suspension and other penalties for our clients.
Prosecutors may be willing to reduce a speeding ticket into something less serious that doesn't impose points, like parking violations or disobeying signs. This creates a win-win scenario between you and the court; no fines need to be paid and points added onto your record!
To enter a plea of Not Guilty, first check the "Not Guilty" box on your ticket, submit it by the return date (which usually falls within thirty days of your arraignment), and request a Supporting Deposition from the officer that issued you.
A skilled attorney can use this time to find ways to dismiss the ticket by reviewing the facts of the case and catching any errors made by police officers, such as inaccurate personal or vehicle details, code citations or badge numbers. Such errors can even lead to tickets being dismissed if an officer does not appear for trial - an experience lawyer knows exactly how to detect these problems quickly.